It was standing room only in Amarillo last night for our summer event/fundraiser - Rockin' to Save Rural Texas. Over 500 people showed up to hear, see and talk to Beto O'Rourke, Susan Hays and Janet Dudding. Also in attendance were TDP Chair Gilberto Hinojosa and his two challengers, Kim Olson and Carroll Robinson. They were all in attendance because, thanks to the work of The 134 PAC and many others, Democrats are starting to wake up to the reality that we need The 134 and all of rural Texas to win this thing. There was great food, drink and live music and a special performance by Amarillo's own Al Son Del Folklore.
Your sustaining donations are what made this night and our work possible. We have no employees, no office and almost zero overhead. Your sustaining donations go to provide grants to the county parties in The 134 and rural counties across the state, to get out the vote in November.
If you are not a sustaining donor become one today.